
All Atmospherics, No Climate. Commentary by Charles M. Blow. "The questioning at Wednesday's Democratic presidential debate has been roundly panned, and rightfully so... When they finally got around to the issues, they were the same ones that we've heard before... One was missing: the environment. The League of Conservation Voters… reports that in the debates in which five Sunday-morning television anchors -- George Stephanopoulos, Tim Russert, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Wallace and Bob Schieffer -- have participated (17 in total) and in their major interviews with the candidates (176 in total) only eight of the 2,372 questions [0.3%] asked have mentioned global warming or climate change... Better to have tied patriotism to the environment [than to U.S.-flag lapel pins] and ask whose global warming plan will best ensure that no one will ever have to go to Lower Manhattan and point to the spot in the water where ground zero used to be."

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