
Costa Rican University Cultivating World's 'Green' Leaders. By Stefan Lovgren, National Geographic News, April 22, 2008. "At Earth University in eastern Costa Rica, the quest for green extends far beyond campus life -- it's the main focus of study. 'We're forming leaders to go out and influence their communities and their countries to take greater care of the Earth and change the world,' said Jose Zaglul, the university's president. That may seem like a lofty mission for a small agricultural college of 417 students tucked into the remote tropics. But the university has earned a reputation for its hands-on, can-do academic approach to agricultural science and natural-resources management. And many of its graduates have taken up significant positions in governments in Central and South America... The university has its own 2,400-acre rain forest preserve and organic farm, so students can learn how their planet works while on campus."

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