
EPA Scientists Complain About Political Pressure. By H. Josef Hebert, AP, April 23, 2008. "Hundreds of Environmental Protection Agency scientists say they have been pressured by superiors to skew their findings, according to a survey released Wednesday by the Union of Concerned Scientists... Francesca Grifo, director of the UCF's Scientific Integrity Program, said the survey results revealed 'an agency in crisis' and 'under siege from political pressures' especially among scientists involved in risk assessment and crafting regulations. 'The investigation shows researchers are generally continuing to do their work, but their scientific findings are tossed aside when it comes time to write regulations,' said Grifo... Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif... said he planned to pursue the issue at an upcoming hearing by his Oversight and Government Reform Committee where [EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson] is scheduled to testify. UCF sent an online questionnaire to 5,500 EPA scientists and received 1,586 responses, a majority of them senior scientists who have worked for the agency for 10 years or more. The survey included chemists, toxicologists, engineers, geologists and experts in the life and environmental sciences."

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