Fossil Fools Day. By Timothy Gardner, Reuters, April 1, 2008. "Eight protesters who locked themselves to bulldozers at a Duke Energy Corp coal-fired power plant in North Carolina as part of a day of international actions on climate change were arrested on Tuesday, police said. Rutherford County Sheriff Jack Conner said the protesters were arrested for trespassing. Four were still being held pending the posting of small bonds. The group was protesting the construction of a new coal unit, which would emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. 'The world needs to cut greenhouse emissions 90 percent to avoid dangerous climate change, which means we can't build any more fossil-fuel generation,' said Liz Veazey, an alternative energy advocate at Southeast Convergence for Climate Action who was one of about 12 other Duke protesters who were not arrested. An umbrella group called Rising Tide and several other green groups organized protests that took place on Tuesday in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. They labeled the actions Fossil Fools Day, a play on April Fools."

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