Geek Alert: New Gizmo for Carbon Foodies. By Leslie Berliant, Celsias.com, April 28, 2008. "It used to be that getting excited about a calculator was the ultimate sign of geekdom. But now it seems that everybody these days is coming up with a calculator and... people, especially the cool kids, are actually excited to use them...The Low Carbon Food Calculator at eatlowcarbon.org... was developed by Bon Appétit Management Company... Since food accounts for 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions, calculating the carbon footprint of food is a great idea and a diet tool that even a foodie can get behind. Plus, $100 says there will be a miraculous connection between high carbon foods and foods that make you fat. You can also text LCD and the name of the food to 69886 and get back the carbon footprint when eating out or download a pocket guide (PDF)."

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