
Global Warming Adds to Seal Cull Debate. By Daina Lawrence, FT, April 29, 2008. "The fierce debate surrounding Canada's annual seal 'harvest' intensified last month when the E.U. proposed a ban on importing seal products from [Canada], a move that would severely damage the cull. But the seal hunters face another obstacle... global warming... Recently, more attention has turned to what impact weather conditions are having on the seal population. Those against the hunt say it is not sustainable because volatile ice conditions are causing seals to die in greater numbers. Global Action Network claims the Canadian government's 'agenda to exterminate seals' comes at a time when climate change is 'causing the very habitat of the ice-breeding seals to disappear'. But the sealers [are of a different mind]. 'There is a huge difference between climate and weather,' says Jim Winter... of the Canadian Sealers' Association [who] describes claims that climate change is creating an unsustainable hunt as 'disingenuous at best and manipulative at the worst.'"

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