Gore's Climate Campaign Launches Wednesday. By Juliet Eilperin, WashPost, March 31, 2008. "The Alliance for Climate Protection's 'We' Campaign, [launching on Wednesday,] will employ online organizing and television advertisements on shows ranging from 'American Idol' to 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.' It highlights the extent to which Americans' growing awareness of global warming has yet to translate into national policy changes... [Al Gore] said the campaign, which [he] is helping to fund, was undertaken in large part because of his fear that U.S. lawmakers are unwilling to curb the human-generated emissions linked to climate change. 'This climate crisis is so interwoven with habits and patterns that are so entrenched, the elected officials in both parties are going to be timid about enacting the bold changes that are needed until there is a change in the public's sense of urgency in addressing this crisis,' Gore said. 'I've tried everything else I know to try. The way to solve this crisis is to change the way the public thinks about it.'" [Editor's note: Happy 60th, Al!]

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