
Governors Convene At Yale To Fight Global Warming. By David Funkhouser, Hartford Courant, April 19, 2008. "In what was intended as a historic replay of a landmark meeting on conservation called by President Theodore Roosevelt 100 years ago, Yale brought together governors and officials from several states Friday to sign a declaration calling on the federal government to get moving on climate change. Arnold Schwarzenegger came to sign the declaration and to deliver his own brand of eco-politics: As a fiercely independent Republican governor of California... he makes no bones about his differences with Congress and the Bush administration. 'In California, we say don't wait for Washington, because Washington is asleep at the wheel,' he said. Like many who spoke at the conference, he is looking to the next administration for decisive action: 'Things will begin to pick up speed after Inauguration Day.' That sentiment matched the central theme of the conference, which was that states have moved far out in front on the issue, and the federal government needs to work with them when developing climate policy. 'Today, we recommit ourselves to the effort to stop global warming and we call on congressional leaders and the presidential candidates to work with us' -- in partnership -- to establish a comprehensive national climate policy, states the declaration, signed so far by 18 governors... Yale also brought in Nobel Prize-winner R.K. Pachauri, head of the U.N.'s IPCC, to speak at the signing... He warned that without action now, irreversible changes in climate could lead to melting of the massive Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets. Such events would send sea levels up several meters 'and put at risk several hundreds of millions of people,' he said." See video of event, 2:30 min.

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