
In Montreal, Gore Praises Quebec's Carbon Tax. By David Johnston, Montreal Gazette, April 6, 2008. "[Al Gore held] intensive training sessions... [Saturday] at the [Montreal] downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel... for 250... disciples of his crusade against global warming... To see the reverence with which ordinary Montrealers, Torontonians, Calgarians and other Canadians greeted the former [U.S. vice-president] yesterday was to witness Gore's extraordinary new global star status... Gore's An Inconvenient Truth has inspired an evangelical offspring known as The Climate Project, based in Nashville. This weekend's... conference was the first Canadian-based training seminar for the Canadian branch of the project, known as TCP Canada. The 250 training participants are being taught... to go forth and spread the bad news about climate change and the good news about what can be done to stop it. A good starting point, said Gore, is a carbon tax, like the one Quebec introduced last June, something new in Canada... 'Quebec is the natural place [for the conference], and Montreal made the most sense,' said Gore, who at a private gathering on Friday night referred to Quebec as the 'environmental conscience' of Canada."

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