
IPCC Looks Ahead to Next Report, Due in 2014. Budapest Times, April 11, 2008. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will not stop preparing its regular global reports, the next one is due in 2014, chairman of IPCC Rajendra Pachauri said on Thursday, at the closing of a four-day session held in Budapest. Diana Urge-Vorsatz, one of the over 2,000 scientists who authored the latest report in 2007, said there have been doubts about the future of the regular reports as scientists wondered where research on the subject was headed. Pachauri said the next report will aim to look for regional rather than global scenarios and possible solutions, and highlight the economic and social aspects of climate change. At its Budapest session, IPCC adopted a special report on climate change and water management, pointing to the urgent need to adapt to heavier rains, flooding and drought."

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