
Jeb Bush Skeptical On Global Warming. By David Keonig, AP, April 24, 2008. "more stories like thisFormer Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says he is 'light green' on the environment and is skeptical that humans are causing global warming. Bush, whose two terms ended in 2007, also said Wednesday he 'can't imagine' running for national office and isn't interested in being Sen. John McCain's running mate... As governor, Bush, a Republican, was largely silent on global warming. His successor, Charlie Crist... has said Florida should become a leader in addressing climate change because its low elevation makes it vulnerable if ocean levels rise. Bush said those who advocate action to limit climate change are acting out of something like religious zeal. 'I don't think our policies should be based on emotion; they should be based on sound science,' he said. Rather than reducing oil consumption, Bush said the United States should focus on 'energy security'... by encouraging alternative fuels. Bush said he isn't thinking of running for national office and said he only wanted to be governor... Bush also... he took a swipe at Florida's alligators... Bush told the Texas audience how he repeatedly vetoed spending state money to market alligator meat. 'Alligators proliferate in Florida. They eat small dogs,' Bush said. 'We don't need to market them, we need to kill them.' After a slight pause, he added, 'Is this open to the press?'"

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