The Mother of All Markets. Commentary by Fred Krupp, WSJ, April 8, 2008. "If you're worried that stopping global warming will wreck the economy, you're looking at [it] all wrong... Energy is the biggest business in the world, 'the mother of all markets,' says venture capitalist John Doerr, Google's first funder. The winners of the race to reinvent energy will not only save the planet, but will also make megafortunes. Venture capitalists and companies like Google are already jockeying to fund clean energy start-ups. In 2007, clean tech was the fastest growing category of venture investing in the U.S., growing four times as much as Internet investing... When Congress finally acts [to set a price on carbon and make the rules fair and clear], America's entrepreneurs and inventors will find the capital they need... and a lot of people will make a killing." (Mr. Krupp is president of Environmental Defense Fund and co-author of 'Earth: The Sequel,' W.W. Norton, 2008.)

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