
Proposed Biomass Plant in Mass. Clears Another Hurdle. By Alex Peshkov, Springfield Republican, April 3, 2008. "Russell Biomass can proceed with the final permitting process for its 50-megawatt electrical power plant. Ian A. Bowles, secretary of the [Mass.] Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs... [on Friday approved] the final environmental impact report for the project that drew stiff opposition from neighbors who fear environmental impacts. The company wants to build a 50-megawatt electrical power plant on the site of the former Westfield Paper Mill and a 5.3-mile electrical transmission line to connect the plant with a transmission system. 'I find (the report) to be adequate and am allowing the project to proceed to the state agencies for permitting,' said the secretary's determination, meaning that the company can file for permits from the various state agencies needed to proceed with construction. The project has been grabbing headlines since the 'state-of-the-art, wood-burning power plant' was proposed for Russell about three years ago." [Concerned Citizens of Russell have opposed the plant.]

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