Rev. Lennox Yearwood Charged Anew for 'Disorderly Conduct' in '07 GW and War Protest. Press Release, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. April 4, 2008. "The District of Columbia Attorney General is harassing Rev. Lennox Yearwood, president of the Hip Hop Caucus, by once again charging him with disorderly conduct without evidence. This latest charge is based on Rev. Yearwood's participation in a protest against global warming and the war on October 22, 2007. Although others were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct at time of the protest -- charges for which they were acquitted at trial -- Rev. Yearwood was not. Rather, nearly five months after the event, in clear retaliation against Rev. Yearwood for standing up for his First Amendment rights, the Attorney General has decided to charge Rev. Yearwood for the minor crimes of disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly. A videotape of Rev. Yearwood at the protest can be viewed here."

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