
Seattle Teens Make An 'Inconvenient Ride'. By Bob Young, Seattle Times, March 31, 2008. "For 22 days they'll meet with big-city mayors, christen biodiesel buses and plant ceremonial trees like eco-Johnny Appleseeds. For 22 days they'll blog, shoot video and call attention to global warming. All while riding bicycles [5,400 miles] across the country. And one more thing: They've got to turn in homework, too. The six West Seattle students who set out Monday are nothing if not ambitious. The youngest is just 10; the oldest, 18. It's all part of what they call 'An Inconvenient Ride,' led by Chief Sealth High School teacher Gary Thomsen... The journey is scheduled to conclude with an Earth Day return to Seattle, where the students will be feted by Mayor Greg Nickels and acclaimed nature photographer Art Wolfe at a Benaroya Hall fundraiser with the goal of planting 2,500 trees in the city."

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