
UN: Recession Can Spur Climate Solutions. Gilliam Wong, AP, April 23, 2008. "Businesses should spur governments into greater action against climate change and not let a worldwide economic downturn derail efforts to tackle climate change, U.N. officials said Tuesday. Achim Steiner, executive director of the U.N. Environment Program, said businesses should take the lead in finding solutions to global warming even as international climate negotiations grind on with many countries unwilling to make the first move. 'Business prides itself on being able to read the future better... than governments can. And I think this is perhaps true,' Steiner said. Steiner was speaking in Singapore at the UNEP-organized Business for the Environment summit, which gathered more than 500 business executives and environment experts to discuss ways that corporations can help fight climate change. The event was co-organized by the United Nations Global Compact, a program that encourages environmentally and socially responsible business practices. Georg Kell, head of the program, also said the private sector should show governments the way forward."

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