
'Walking the Walk' at the Vatican. By Bart Jones, NYNewsday, April 10, 2008. "The pope and other Church officials have said that good stewardship of the earth, as they see it, has theological underpinnings, and they often cite Genesis 2:15: 'The Lord God took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it.' Pope Benedict XVI is not the first pope to talk about the environment -- his predecessor, John Paul II, was an outdoorsman who also expressed alarm about global warming. Nor is he the only religious or secular leader to focus on the issue. But experts say Pope Benedict XVI is taking on the issue from a pulpit no one in the world can match -- leader of the 1.1 billion member Catholic Church -- and with a seriousness that is outdoing even John Paul II. 'His vocal support particularly for climate solutions could really tip the balance in world action,' said Melanie Griffin [of] the Sierra Club. 'He's really not mincing words. He's walking the walk.'

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