Walmart to Press Chinese Suppliers to Get Green. Mongabay, April 7, 2008. "Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, will hold a meeting of around 1,000 of its Chinese suppliers in an effort to reduce its environmental impact, said Lee Scott, Wal-Mart's CEO... The meeting, to be held in October, will in effect globalize Wal-Mart's efforts to curb its environmental footprint. In recent years the retailer has pushed more energy efficient outlets, promoted compact flourescent light bulbs in consumer-awareness campaigns, and reduced the amount of packaging used for products sold in its stores... 'I'm very confident that we are going to see in China more progress than any of us has imagined,' he said. 'Part of this is... because the Chinese government has just now really got on the sustainability process as far as understanding what it is going to mean for them in the long term. And they're being really aggressive.'"

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