
WHO Official Warns of Present and Future Hunger, Poverty and Disease Due to Global Warming. AP, April 7, 2008. "Millions of Asians could face poverty, disease and hunger as a result of rising temperatures and increased rainfall expected to hit hardest poor countries, the World Health Organization warned Monday. Malaria, diarrhea, malnutrition and floods cause an estimated 150,000 deaths annually, with Asia accounting for [over] half, said regional WHO Director Shigeru Omi. Malaria-carrying mosquitoes represent the clearest telltale sign that global warming has begun to impact human health, he said, adding the virus-borne mosquitoes are now found in cooler climates such as South Korea and the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Warmer weather means... breeding cycles are shortening, allowing [faster multiplication]... 'Without urgent action through changes in human lifestyle, the effects of this phenomenon on the global climate system could be abrupt or even irreversible, sparing no country and causing more frequent and more intense heat waves, rain storms, tropical cyclones and surges in sea level,' he said."

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