After Tornado, the Greening of Greensburg, Kansas. AFP, May 5, 2008. "On the evening of May 4, 2007, a category-5 tornado swept through... 1,300-strong [Greensburg, Kansas], killing 9 people and razing to the ground the school, the hospital and more than 900 houses. [President] Bush, haunted by his administration's slow response to Hurricane Katrina... visited... a few days later. Town leaders vowed... to rebuild... [making Greensburg] the first town in the U.S. to have all municipal projects built to the highest environmental and efficiency design standards... The town is now building an eco-lodging project, a recycling center and a water conservation system to turn rain into drinking water. Officials hope... [to] put their tiny community on the map as a leader in green living... 'The community is dedicated to putting the green in Greensburg,' [Bush said yesterday on the one-year anniversary]. 'As you work to achieve this vision, the federal government will honor its commitments, and continue to stand by you.'"

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