
ASEAN Members Urged to Send Help to Myanmar, Adapt to Era of New Climate-Related Perils. AP, May 6, 2008. "[The 10-country Association of Southeast Asian Nations, members of which are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam,] appealed to its members Tuesday to send aid to Myanmar after [the tropical cyclone Nargis]... 'The lessons and the experience learned during the tsunami of 2004 certainly have given us a wake-up call,' [the bloc's Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan] said. 'We cannot be complacent any longer about these kinds of disasters that could come any time.' Surin, a former Thai foreign minister, also said ASEAN must adapt to an increasingly interconnected world to better cooperate with other countries when dealing with global problems. 'Now a food crisis is upon us, (an) energy crisis is upon us, climate change is upon us, pandemic diseases are with us,' he said. 'The world is changing and evolving in its concept of cooperation, of security coordination. ASEAN can do no less.' He did not give details."

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