
...But Gets Green Light in Ottawa. By Mike De Souza, CanWest News, May 1, 2008. "The House of Commons [in Ottawa] is expected to give the green light in coming days to legislation that could boost Canadian production of [agriculture-based] ethanol. [The bill] would allow the government to [set] requirements to ensure all gasoline has an average renewable fuel content of 5% by 2010, and [all] diesel and heating oil [has] an average renewable fuel content of 2% by 2012... Despite [warnings], Canada's two largest political parties believe that ethanol should still be part of the solution... The Conservatives and the Liberals both pledged to introduce the 5% renewable fuel target in their campaign platforms from 2005 as part of their proposed environmental policies. Liberal Leader Stephane Dion even went further last year, calling for a 10% renewable fuel content target by 2010."

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