
Canadian PM Harper Slams Liberal Party's Carbon Tax Idea. By Louise Egan, Reuters, May 21, 2008. "Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper [yesterday] slammed... [Liberal leader Stephane Dion's] proposal for a carbon tax to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, calling it a 'foolish' move at a time of soaring energy prices. Harper, a Conservative, told reporters that he sees gasoline and other energy prices continuing to rise over the next few years due to demand from emerging economies such as China and India... Dion, who won the leadership of the Liberal Party 17 months ago on a green platform, is considering imposing a carbon tax on energy costs and then returning some of the money through income tax cuts. Last week, Dion rejected the idea of a new tax on gasoline but said he was considering either a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system." [See the CTV.ca story on environmentalist David Suzuki's critique of the New Democratic Party's stance on Dion's carbon tax.]

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