Environmentalist Slams Canada's Liberal Party, Backs Dion's Carbon Tax. Toronto CTV, May 20, 2008. "Famed environmentalist David Suzuki has strongly backed Liberal leader Stephane Dion's emerging carbon tax plan... After hearing the [New Democratic Party's] criticism of Dion's plan, Suzuki said: 'I'm really shocked with the NDP with this. I thought that they had a very progressive environmental outlook... While Dion has not fully revealed his plan, this week he said that he is proposing a revenue-neutral carbon tax, where the carbon tax is paired with a reduction in other taxes... Most environmental groups have slammed the Conservatives' environmental plan as ineffectual and say even if it works, it would still result in emissions that are 8% above Canada's 2012 Kyoto target... 'Thank goodness for the United States or we'd be dead last (in the environment),' he said. 'Let's get on with hard targets and thinking more about what we are leaving our children and grandchildren.' Suzuki mentioned that Swedes pay about carbon tax of $150/ton, while British Columbians are 'yelling and screaming over a $10 tax.' B.C introduced a carbon tax in February."

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