Ethanol Under the Kliegs Last Week. By Jeff Johnson, Chemical & Engineering News, May 12, 2008. "Pointing to a global food crisis, international relief organizations [in Congressional hearings] last week joined the oil industry, U.S. grocers, and beef, pork, and chicken farmers in seeking elimination of government programs to encourage biofuels, particularly corn-kernel-based ethanol. Over the past month, the momentum for a rollback... has grown, sparked by an upsurge in prices of human food and animal feed. It has led the governors of Texas and Connecticut and 24 Republican senators to request that EPA waive or limit the renewable fuel standard [RFS]... Among those calling for restraint was Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee [who] noted that 'the ink had hardly dried on the 2007 Energy Act when the clamoring began to alter [it].' Instead, he said, Congress should wait until EPA finalizes [RFS] regulations... which are required by December."

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