ExxonMobil CEO Prevails at Annual Meeting Over Green Resolutions. By Joe Carroll, Bloomberg, May 28, 2008. "Exxon Mobil Corp. shareholders rejected resolutions calling on the world's largest company to bar its chief executive officer from serving as chairman and adopt greenhouse-gas reduction targets. A proposal to split the CEO and chairman's roles received 39.5 percent at the company's annual meeting on Wednesday in Dallas, less than the 50 percent required to force directors to reconsider their opposition. Initiatives to set pollution- reduction goals for Exxon Mobil refineries and hold non-binding shareholder votes on executive pay also failed. CEO Rex Tillerson prevailed over efforts by descendants of company founder John D. Rockefeller, the California Public Employees' Retirement System and New York City Comptroller William Thompson to curb his influence and speed action by the Irving, Texas-based company to combat global warming... Tillerson, 56, led the company to a $40.6 billion profit in 2007, surpassing its own previous record for annual net income by a U.S. corporation set a year earlier... About 20 activists from Greenpeace and other groups gathered in front of the symphony hall... holding a banner that said 'Oil: The New Black Death.'"

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