
Groups Cite New Greenpeace Report in Opposing Carbon Capture and Sequestration. By Larisa Brass, Knoxville News Sentinel, May 6, 2008. "Calling carbon storage technology too expensive and a hollow answer to the environmental issues surrounding coal as an energy source, two local environmental groups [Save Our Cumberland Mountains and Students Promoting Environmental Action at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville] on Monday protested federal legislation they say encourages development of coal-based power production. [The two groups]... cited a [Greenpeace] study, False Hope, released Monday... criticizing measures included in [the Senate's Lieberman-Warner climate change bill] that would provide incentives for development of clean-coal technologies such as carbon sequestration... According to the... report, carbon storage technology would require 10% to 40% of the power produced by a station to operate, will not be viable until at least 2030, cannot be guaranteed as a safe and permanent storage solution and is expensive, potentially leading to a 21% to 91% increase in the price of power for consumers."

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