
In Dramatic Showdown, Kansas Governor Prevails on Veto of Kansas Coal Plants. By Scott Rothschild, Lawrence Journal, May 2, 2008. "[Kansas] Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' veto of two coal-fired power plants survived a furious charge from legislative leaders on Thursday. In a dramatic showdown, the Kansas House voted 80-45, falling four votes short of the required two-thirds majority needed in the 125-member chamber to override the veto... Sebelius has rejected the two 700-megawatt coal-burning plants in southwest Kansas because of concerns over climate-changing carbon dioxide emissions, [among other things]… [House Speaker Melvin Neufeld, R-Ingalls] said supporters of the plants weren't giving up. 'We have other options,' he said, but declined to say what they were... But State Rep. Tom Sloan, R-Lawrence, who supports the project, said the speaker's options were limited because he lacks the two-thirds majority to overturn Sebelius."

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