
Lieberman-Warner Scheduled for Floor Debate First Week of June. By Frank Davies, San Jose Mercury News, May 19, 2008. "Boosted by all three presidential candidates, an ambitious plan to combat global warming is about to take center stage for the first time in Congress... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, has scheduled the bill for the first week in June. Republicans are unlikely to block it because they don't want to undercut their presidential nominee, John McCain, who has distanced himself from President Bush by recognizing that climate change is a serious problem. Democratic contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton also support the bill... Tucker Eskew, a Republican strategist who worked in the Bush White House, sees a shift among Republicans on the issue: 'A number of Republican senators are now looking very hard at this legislation, and there's latent opportunity for doing something'... The bill is a major test for Sen. Barbara Boxer, the California Democrat who chairs the Environment and Public Works Committee. Boxer and the bill's sponsors, Lieberman and Warner, have spent weeks in one-on-one meetings with senators on the bill... [But] Congress has lagged in taking action. This year Congress is struggling just to extend tax credits to boost solar, wind and other renewable energy industries."

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