
Markey's Bill Puts an End to New Coal Plant Construction. Posted by Joseph Romm, ClimateProgress.org, May 28, 2008. "Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), will talk [at the Center for American Progress Action Fund today] about the climate legislation he will be introducing [in] the House of Representatives... I received a pre-brief on the legislation last night, and while it is not perfect, it is a much better bill than Boxer-Lieberman-Warner. In particular, it has the single most important item new climate legislation should have -- an emissions standard that stops traditional coal plants from being built... Starting in 2009, I believe, no coal plant can be built that cannot capture and sequester 85% of its CO2 emissions (a grace period of a few years is allowed for plants built after that time to actually find a place to sequester the carbon). I will post more on this bill as it is put on line."

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