Massachusetts' Officials Unite on Push to Go Green. By Maite Jullian, Metro West Daily News [Mass.], May 27, 2008. "Gov. Deval Patrick and House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi... are part of a unified effort to decrease Massachusetts' dependence on foreign oil and to capitalize on the economic and environmental benefits that the clean energy industry represents. 'The House speaker, Senate president and the governor are all very much on board with the notion of Massachusetts becoming a leader in clean energy,' said Paul D'Arbeloff... of the New England Clean Energy Council. Patrick filed an executive order in April 2007 setting standards for reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by state agencies. DiMasi filed the Green Communities Act... [which] passed the Senate and the House and is currently in a conference committee... Last March, the Senate also passed the Global Warming Solution Act, which would require a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 1990 levels by 2020 and to 80% below the 1990 level by 2050. Ten other states have similar... targets... So far, California is the state's chief rival, according to a 2007 report from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative... [which also states that]... the industry is on track to generate 75,000 jobs in Massachusetts over the next 10 years. The Biofuels Task Force created last November by the state's three top officials also released promising numbers."

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