New Hampshire Senate Considers Emissions Bill. By Denis Paiste, Manchester Union Leader, May 7, 2008. “The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative bill up for a [New Hampshire] Senate vote [today]… will force electricity producers to buy allowances… to cover their CO2 emissions. The money raised will be directed to energy efficiency projects… The RGGI legislation, which has the backing of Gov. John Lynch, could cost New Hampshire electric ratepayers an additional $17.2 million to $103.4 million in its first year… New Hampshire is one of 10 mid-Atlantic and Northeast states… that have committed to participate in the first cap-and-trade program to control CO2 emissions in the U.S. Under the plan, electric power generators would have to buy one allowance for each… ton of CO2 they emit. Early estimates range from $2 to $12 for each allowance, with a $1.86 minimum bid… To ease the potential pain in New Hampshire, the original RGGI bill proposed a $12 per allowance threshold… The Senate Energy, Environment, and Economic Development Committee cut the threshold to $6 per allowance.”

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