The People's Republic Leads the Way. By Spencer Reiss, Wired, May 20, 2008. "Pop quiz: Who's the volume dealer in alternative-energy hardware? If you said choking, smoking, coal-toking China, give yourself a carbon credit... In 2007, photovoltaic factories in the People's Republic tripled production, grabbing 35% of the global market and making China the world's number one producer. How about rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, critical for superefficient electric vehicles? Chinese manufacturers will soon rule that world, too. Windmills? 'Prepare for the onslaught of relatively inexpensive Chinese turbines,' says Steve Sawyer... of the Global Wind Energy Council. His forecast: China will produce enough gear to generate 10 gigawatts of power annually by 2010 -- more than half the capacity that the whole world installed in 2007."

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