
San Francisco Bay Area Air Pollution Board Approves Greenhouse-Gas Tax. By Denis Cuff, San Jose Mercury News, May 22, 2008. "The Bay Area's air pollution board on Wednesday became the first in the country to levy fees on businesses for the global-warming gases they emit. Declaring that local governments have a role in helping solve a global problem that Congress and the Bush administration have been slow to tackle, the nine-county pollution board decided to collect a total of $1.1 million in annual fees from 2,500 businesses. The charges are based on the tons of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases released by a business... The 15-1 vote in favor of the new fees followed a heated debate. Representatives of oil refineries and business groups argued that the fee will duplicate or interfere with state efforts to rein in global warming. Environmentalists called the fee a modest first step at holding businesses responsible for their global-warming gases, which often result from burning large amounts of fuel."

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