Scorching Heat and Water Shortages Loom in Turkey. Istanbul Today's Zaman, May 12, 2008. "Experts warn many regions in Turkey will be hit by a drought at least as severe as last year's... Turkey experienced abnormally hot and dry days last summer, with water levels dropping to alarmingly low levels and several cities experiencing frequent water cuts... Murat Türke?, a professor at Onsekiz Mart University... [said,] 'There has been significant decrease in the amount of rain that falls in winter months. On the other hand, there has been a considerable increase in rainfall received throughout spring. But spring rains do not improve levels of water reservoirs because they are generally in the form of showers. Showers do not feed water sources. Rather, they lead to erosion and floods,' he said... According to the Human Development Report (HDR) published by the U.N. Development Program (UNDP) last December, Turkey is among the five regions at great[est] risk… of global warming [impacts]."

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