Senate Democrats Look at Political Influence in EPA Decisionmaking. By Renee Schoof, McClatchy Newspapers, May 8, 2008. “George Gray, the EPA’s… [top] science adviser, told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee [Wednesday] that the EPA’s 7,000 scientists conduct research free of political influence and speak openly about their work, [insisting] the EPA’s work is transparent even though it holds closed meetings with the White House Office of Management and Budget and other government agencies when it considers the risks from toxic chemicals…The EPA administrator, Stephen Johnson, declined to testify [at the hearing]. ‘The last few times Mr. Johnson has appeared before us, he has been less than forthcoming, as evasive and unresponsive as (former Attorney General) Alberto Gonzales,’ [Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, (D-RI)] said. He added that the forced resignation of EPA regional administrator Mary Gade, who had been investigating dioxin contamination in Michigan by Dow Chemical, ‘smacks of the U.S. Attorney scandal at the Justice Department last summer.’ Like the nine U.S. attorneys the White House fired, Gade was well-regarded and had received strong performance evaluations, he said, adding, ‘her forced resignation reeks of political interference.’ Gray declined to discuss Gade’s ouster.”

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