Senate Environment Committee Approves Bill to Allow for California's Tailpipe Emissions Waiver. By Kate Sheppard, Gristmill, May 21, 2008. "The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved legislation Tuesday that would call on George W. Bush to sign off on California's request for waiver -- the very same waiver he likely encouraged EPA administrator Stephen Johnson to deny. 'The Reducing Global Warming Pollution from Vehicles Act of 2008' would require the president to approve the waiver so that California and the 18 other states that have set or plan to set higher limits on greenhouse-gas emissions from cars and trucks can proceed. The Committee voted 10-9 to approve the legislation, largely along party lines. But Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Del.) crossed over to vote against it, and Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) voted in favor. According to reports, EPA officials widely agreed that the waiver should be granted. New evidence revealed this week shows that Johnson was initially 'very interested in a full grant of the waiver,' then considered granting a partial waiver, but decided to deny it flat-out after talking to the White House."

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