
Two 50-Magawatt Solar Power Plants Planned in Spain. By Michael Graham Richard, Tree Hugger, May 13, 2008. "It was only a couple months ago that we wrote about Torresol's plans to build 3 new solar thermal power plants in Spain (price tag: $1.24 Billion). The good news keep rolling in and now it is Acciona Energia's turn to announce a 500 million euros investment (about $775 million) into 2 new solar thermal plants in Palma del Río, Cordoba, in southern Spain. Each will have a capacity of 50 megawatts and together they should be able to power 75,000 homes, or 244 million kWh a year. They should be operational in 2010. The plants will cover the area of about 260 hectares, or 364 soccer fields, comprising 1,520 solar collectors and a truly mind boggling 364,800 mirrors which will focus the sun's rays into the collectors."

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