
U.N. Sees World Climate Change Deal In 2009. By Andrew Hay, Reuters, May 4, 2008. "The world can reach a significant new climate change pact by the end of 2009 if current talks keep up their momentum, [Rajendra Pachauri, head of the U.N. IPCC] said on Sunday [at a seminar at the Asian Development Bank annual meeting in Madrid]. The U.N. began negotiations on a sweeping new pact in March after governments agreed last year to work out a treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol by the end of next year. 'If this momentum continues you will get an agreement that is not too full of compromises,' said... Pachauri... The next talks, to be held in Germany in June, will address funding technology to mitigate climate change -- a key demand from developing countries [that] say rich countries should foot much of the bill. Getting the private sector on board with a well regulated carbon emissions trading system is key to long-term financing, according to delegates at the ADB seminar."

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