
7,000 More Wind Turbines Slated for U.K. By Michael McCarthy, London Independent, June 27, 2008. "In the next 12 years, 7,000 wind turbines will spring up across the hills and around the coasts of Britain [if Prime Minister Gordon Brown's ambitions renewable energy program is implemented]... The investment programme and timetable needed to achieve this in a mere 12 years are demanding, and comment was split yesterday between environmentalists and renewable energy suppliers, who were delighted, and more cautious commentators who questioned whether such a technical undertaking was possible in the time scale. For example, hitting the targets means at least trebling the current scale of wind-farm construction, adding 4,000 more onshore turbines to the 2,000 already in place, and installing 3,000 turbines in the sea, at a rate of two every three days between now and 2020, Christmas and bank holidays not excepted. Questions were raised as to whether or not Britain has the manufacturing capacity, or the number of engineers necessary to carry out the installations."

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