
Bill Clinton's CIA Director Advises McCain on Climate Issues. By Jim Shipman, London Telegraph, June 21, 2008. "Jim Woolsey... is one of a new generation of so-called 'Greenocons,' campaigners who are making the case for a green American foreign and energy policy not just to save the planet, but to keep America safe too... Mr Woolsey is now a senior energy adviser to John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate. He has played a key role in developing Mr McCain's support for a 'cap and trade' system for carbon emissions, and support for renewable energy... Mr Woolsey has written a chapter for a new book on energy security, in which he warns that global warming could cause sea levels to rise, creating mass migration and bitter competition for resources. He also fears terrorist attacks on Middle East oil reserves could cripple the West... His Maryland home has solar panels on the roof and batteries in the basement. His air conditioning is powered by a geothermal pump, his... Toyota Prius hybrid, which he plugs in at night to the solar powered batteries... [has] a sticker which reads 'Bin Laden hates this car.'"

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