... And with the Exception of Germany, That Includes Nuclear. APF, June 9, 2008. "Top economic powers have declared that the world is entering a new era of nuclear energy amid rising concerns over high oil prices and global warming, but Germany stood firmly as an exception. The Group of Eight industrial nations got together with China, India and South Korea at the weekend in Aomori, a hub of Japan's nuclear energy industry... The 11 nations, which together consume two-thirds of world energy, said in their joint statement that 'a growing number of countries have expressed interest in nuclear power programs'... 'We are on the verge of a new nuclear age,' John Hutton, Britain's energy secretary, told reporters... But Germany has been the notable exception. The country in 2000 declared its intention to shut down all of its nuclear power plants, fulfilling a pledge of the Green Party which was then in power. 'Having heard other countries' positions, I think there is a nuclear power renaissance,' Germany's administrative energy secretary, Jochen Homann, said in Aomori. 'But Germany has decided to abolish nuclear power generation gradually,' he said... Despite nuclear power's image problem, Japan said on Saturday it would help build nuclear power plants in the U.S., sensing opportunities for Japanese companies."

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