Carbon Tax Could Win Canadian Liberal Party Votes, Poll Finds. By Julian Beltrame, Canadian Press, June 24, 2008. "Stéphane Dion's 'green shift' has the potential to become a significant vote-getter for the Liberal party if the communications-challenged leader is able to sell a carbon tax to Canadians, a new poll suggests. The first national poll taken since Dion unveiled the proposal last Thursday found most Canadians did not know enough yet to form an opinion. But once the policy was explained... the Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey found, close to half -- 47% -- liked the idea, while 39%... were opposed... The Liberal green plan is finding double-digit support among women (48% in favor, 34% opposed), voters under 35 years... and in voters east of the Ontario-Manitoba border... all segments the Conservatives need to win a majority."

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