
The Climate Bill: Stalled. Posted by Kate Sheppard, Grist, June 4, 2008. "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said he won't allow floor debate on the Climate Security Act to extend beyond next week... 'If we don't finish it next week, then it means something has gone wrong,' he's quoted as saying... [But] they've already burned two and a half days of debate without getting to any votes... thanks to [Republican leadership calling] for 30 hours of discussion before moving to amendments. After those 30 hours were expended, they demanded that the entire 492-page bill be read aloud, claiming they hadn't yet had time to read it... John Cornyn (R-Texas) even went so far as to make a chart declaring the bill the 'Boxer Climate Tax'... Kit Bond (R-Mo.) alleged that the [bill] would have us all driving 'golf carts,' and called... [it] a 'complicated Soviet-style scheme'... Republicans have already circulated 90 weakening amendments that they plan to offer... Meanwhile, everyone is waiting for the Senate to actually get to the amendment process."

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