Drafters of House Climate Bill Contend with Republican Climate Skeptic: Joe Barton. By Dave Michaels, Dallas Morning News, May 31, 2008. "U.S. Rep. Joe Barton [R. Texas, former Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and now] the committee's ranking Republican... remains one of the most outspoken skeptics of global warming... [He] could help shape a global warming bill to the liking of Texas' major industries, especially since he enjoys good relations with leading Democrats on the committee, Rep. Rick Boucher of Virginia [who leads a subcommittee drafting the bill] and Rep. John Dingell of Michigan... offers a litany of reasons why the science of global warming is flawed. At several recent hearings, including one last month, Mr. Barton said the models don't account for the role of water vapor, which forms clouds, in controlling temperatures. 'I don't believe the planet is going to be noticeably warmer 100 years from now because of man-made carbon dioxide emissions,' he said. 'So I'm not going to be part of some program that has as a premise that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and we have to do major things to reduce it.' Mr. Barton acknowledges that worldwide average temperatures have increased but has said that isn't worrisome because higher temperatures mean a longer crop-growing season and more rainfall. The planet could safely absorb more carbon dioxide and might even benefit from it, he said."

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