Grassroots Netroots Alliance Launched Connecting Climate Crisis with Other Issues. Press Release, Grassroots Netroots Alliance, June 12, 2008. "The Grassroots Netroots Alliance (GNA), a project of Organic Consumers Fund, was launched Wednesday. GNA sees itself as complementary, yet also an alternative, to MoveOn.org and other pre-existing progressive, radical, and libertarian online networks. 'Millions of Americans at the 'netroots,' those drawing their information and inspiration from the open sources of the Internet, are connecting the dots between the burning issues. A potential new majority are realizing we must move beyond 'business as usual' and tepid reform, uniting our heretofore fragmented forces and communities into a qualitatively more powerful current,' according to Ronnie Cummins, GNA Director. GNA aims to take activism beyond single-issue groups to a multi-issue platform that stimulates local alliance building and grassroots action, focused on pressuring the politicians, and pushing through legislation in both national and local legislatures that will address demands around five important issue areas. These issue areas are: 1) War, Peace, and Constitutional Liberties; 2) Climate Crisis; 3) Health; 4) Economics & Trade; and 5) Democracy."

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