
In Southern California, Outdoor Workers Brace for Life-Threatening Summer Heat. By Conor L. Sanchez, LATimes, June 21, 2008. "The heat is on in Southern California. Just ask roofers, officers directing traffic, car washers, outdoor repairmen and laborers of all kinds. With the first day of summer hitting today, outdoor workers were already coping with 100-degree temperatures and higher Friday. Weather records were being broken. Employers were scrambling to make sure workers had enough water and shade. And state officials warned this may be only the beginning. 'It's going to be hotter this summer,' said Len Welsh... [of] Cal/OSHA... There have been three worker deaths from the heat already this year in California, he noted, 'which is not good -- so many so soon.' In 2006, there were eight such deaths, and two more in 2007... On Friday, temperatures soared past 100 degrees in many spots, with a record 111 in Woodland Hills. Burbank tied its 1973 record of 106 degrees. The thermometer hit 97 downtown, 100 in Pasadena, 103 in Anaheim and 109 in Chino."

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