
Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill Dies on Senate Floor. By H. Joseph Herbert, AP, June 6, 2008. "Senate Republicans [this morning] blocked a global warming bill that would have required major reductions in greenhouse gases, pushing debate over the world's biggest environmental concern to next year for a new Congress and president. Democratic leaders fell a dozen votes short of getting the 60 needed to end a Republican filibuster on the measure and bring the bill up for a vote, prompting Majority Leader Harry Reid to pull the legislation from consideration. The 48-36 vote fell short of a majority, but Democrats produced letters from six senators -- including both presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain -- saying they would have voted for the measure had they been there. 'It's just the beginning for us,' proclaimed Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., a chief sponsor of the bill, noting that 54 senators had expressed support of the legislation, although that's still short of what would be needed to overcome concerted GOP opposition. 'It's clear a majority of Congress wants to act,' Boxer said at a news conference. She and other Democrats said this now lays the groundwork for action on climate change next year with a new Congress and a new president that will be more hospitable to mandatory greenhouse gas reductions."

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