
Mothers and Children Entreat Congress with Climate Murals. Press Release, 1Sky, June 6, 2008. "Following the failure of the Climate Security Act on Friday, a group of young people presented murals painted by mothers and children to members of Congress from 43 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico, calling for stronger climate leadership. The murals serve as a sharp reminder to Congress that the American public is ahead of their elected representatives on the issue of climate, and are demanding that Congress step up with strong, science-based policy. 'We've only got one sky, and we've got to make sure it stays clean for our children,' said Gillian Caldwell, mother of two and campaign director for 1Sky, a new collaborative national campaign of more than 60 diverse organizations. 1Sky supports the passage of a stronger, science-based bill in the next Congress... 'The failure of the deeply-flawed Lieberman-Warner bill gives us a fresh chance to protect our children's climate,' said Betsy Taylor, of 1Sky's Board of Directors... 'Congress must find the courage to take the steps that science says [are] necessary to halt global warming, before it's too late,' said Caldwell. 'With gas prices soaring, there couldn't be a better time for national leadership on climate and clean energy.'"

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