
Obama on Climate Bill: It Would Have Been a Good Step Forward; Now We Must Do Better. Press Release, BarackObama.com, June 6, 2008. "This is critical and long overdue legislation that represents a good first step in addressing one of the most serious problems facing our generation. Like many of my Senate colleagues, I believe the legislation could have been made even better. Had there been a substantive Senate debate about some of the concerns with this bill, I believe the outcome could have generated broad support... We can't afford more of the same timid politics when the future of our planet is at stake... Emissions reductions must reflect the scientific consensus, which are reductions of at least 80 percent by 2050. We must ensure that more middle-class families reap more of the financial benefits created by this bill. And we must direct greater resources to the regions of the country that will bear the brunt of this critical transition to a clean energy economy. I believe that the American people are ready to lead the world on this issue. The time for distractions, divisions, and excuses is over. The time for new coalitions, informed and civil debate, and a sense of shared purpose is long overdue. As president, I am committed to ensuring that our children and our children's children can point to this generation as the time when American found its way again."

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